SR: You have built a personal style, your own trademark that has guaranteed you works for major brands and popular characters in the fashion scene. How much experience did you get to reach this level?

RAFFAELE: I’ve always been passionate about photography since I was a teenager. At 21 years of age, after graduating in “industrial design for fashion”, I founded a brand together with other partners, I was in charge of design, communication but not particularly attention to photo shooting. I decided which photographer shoot the collection, during the shooting I was very attentive and I really liked the work on the set and after some time I realized that was my way. I bought my first Canon and I started photographing the collections for the brand, I opened a studio and with a lot of passion I cultivated a personal technique, leaving completely the illustration and graphic design sector. Photography was a choice dictated by the evolution of my passions and my work, even though I had never studied it, I understood that I could become a professional, as my mother said “I always knew you had a special eye”.


SR: While scrolling your socials, we have been striked by your extraordinary irony. Is Raffaele nice and ironic as well? 

RAFFAELE: Find me a Neapolitan who is not ironic and I change my job! Fortunately I do a job that I love and even if the concentration is a lot, especially on the set I try to maintain a certain level of positivity and fun. It’s good for the team and good for me.


SR: What do you like to do in your free time? 

RAFFAELE: I like to travel more than anything else in the world. Afterwards, I train a lot, I cook, I often go to the cinema, I love the sea and I love to party. “Burning Man” has been a fixed destination for more than three years now, a unique experience that I will never stop doing. Among the many things I specify Burning Man because I think it is worthy of note.